since Tom would rather not comment on possible e-stop options, I'll mention how I implemented one on a small machine last week using a KStep.
I used a double pole relay, controlled via the E-Stop button(s) circuit, which is a NC (Normally Closed) type setup. This way, the circuit is as fail safe as possible, as any breakage of the circuit will prevent the system from exiting an E-stop state.
One set of contacts in the relay is used to control the main power supply for the stepper motors, and the other set I connected to one of the KStep Opto Ins. This way, the KFlop is notified an E-stop has occured, and regardless of what the KFlop is programmed to do about the E-stop, power is removed to the motors.
My reasoning for this, is an E-stop should never rely on software. When programmed correctly, in an ideal world, the KFlop should always respond how you want it to an E-stop, however glitchs in software/hardware can happen, so by removing power, you guarantee things will stop.
Tthere are applications where removing power is the last thing you want to do, however I doubt that will apply to anything being driven by a KStep!
I also have a lathe using a KFlop+Kanalog, which has a more advanced E-stop setup, however it still ultimately removes the power to the servo and spindle drives.